Less than 2 months until the first 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls held in person since the pandemic

Less than 2 months until the first 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls held in person since the pandemic

More details of the judges that will arrive in Verona and the organization of a blind tasting during a pandemic. May 20th will be the last day available to register for Veronafiere’s blind wine tasting – but until April 26th producers can apply for a 10% discount. Warehouses are already open and will receive samples by May 25th.

Judges are already recruited and ready to fly out to Verona to taste and score registered wines, after a year of non-presence. At the head of the tasting will be the General Chairmen – who have been with 5StarWines and Wine Without Walls since the first edition, showing their commitment and trust in Veronafiere’s blind wine tasting event. Their task is, on one hand, to give the guidelines, to be the beacon of how to approach the various flights. On the other hand, they are also available to intervene when doubts arise about the evaluations. The group includes Pedro Ballesteros Torres MW, who is also a VIA Italian Wine Ambassador; the editorial consultant of Meininger’s Wine Business International, and creator of the first International Wine Challenge, Robert Joseph; the founder of Doctor Wine and Gambero Rosso Daniele Cernilli; the columnist and sole head of Le Figaro’s wine column Bernard Burtschy. This year Gabriele Gorelli MW will join the General Chairmen, the first Italian to become a Master of Wine.

Finally, Monty Waldin, writer and biodynamic specialist, will return to lead the section dedicated to organic, biodynamic and sustainable wines. All judges have been identified and chosen according to their competence, experience and nationality. This is in order to guarantee to the selection not only authority, but also a multiplicity of points of view, the internationality of palates and, in the end, the objectivity of the selection.

The format of 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls aims for maximum effectiveness by facilitating the dissemination of results, integrating the awards with a range of cutting-edge communication tools. The Selection culminates with the publication of a guide, both paper and digital, containing all the wines that have obtained the best scores. The Guide is then shared with the Vinitaly community and wines will later on have visibility on the new Vinitaly Plus platform. Social media posts are created by the 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls team for every single selected bottle, carrying on the celebration of selected wines all year long. Find out more about the selection here https://www.5starwines.it/?lang=en.


First 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls held in person since the pandemic. Judges are already recruited and ready to fly out to Verona to taste and score registered wines, after a year of non-presence.

About: 5StarWines – the Book is the annual wine selection organized by Veronafiere, held in the lead-up to the biggest Italian wine fair in the world. The event is now in its fifth edition. 5StarWines – the Book is a blind tasting aimed at shedding light on wineries investing in the improvement of their products. During the event, a highly qualified panel of wine professionals will taste and score—using a 100-point scale—participating wines. In this edition, over 2000 bottles took part in the competition and 847 were selected for inclusion in 5StarWines – the Book. The Guide is a useful tool both on the promotional and commercial side. It introduces international buyers and wine lovers to new wine products of great value. It guarantees wine quality and it maintains and certifies their value at an international level.

Verona, where wine lover gather: on 5StarWines and Wine Without Walls selection

Verona, where wine lover gather: on 5StarWines and Wine Without Walls selection

The wine blind tasting organized by Veronafiere “5StarWines & Wine Without Walls” will be taking place in Verona from June 16th to 18th with more than 80 confirmed on site judges. Registrations are open and discounted rates are available until April 26th.

The wine blind tasting organized by Veronafiere “5StarWines & Wine Without Walls” will be taking place in Verona from June 16th to 18th with more than 80 confirmed on site judges. Registrations are open and discounted rates are available until April 26th.

The judges are one of the elements that distinguishes 5StarWines and Wine Without Walls from other wine selections. The General Chairmen Panel will be leading the tasting, and it is composed by MW and VIA Italian Wine Ambassador Pedro Ballesteros Torres MW; editorial consultant of Meininger’s Wine Business International, Robert Joseph; Doctor Wine and Gambero Rosso founder Daniele Cernilli; editorialist for Le Figaro Bernard Burtschy and last but not least the first Italian MW other than marketing and communication consultant Gabriele Gorelli MW. Their job is to provide the final score on wines that have received non-aligned scores from the judges; this adds objectivity to the competition, earning 5StarWines international acclaim.

The blind tasting lasts three days, and the judges are split into groups. Each panel is led by a Panel Chairman, whose job is to collect the judges’ evaluations as well as find common ground within the jury in order to arrive at a final score. Some of this year’s panel chairmen members are VIA Italian Wine Expert and Wine Educator Henry Davar; Master of Wine, Written Communications Expert Thomas Curtius MW and VIA Italian Wine Expert, Managing Director of VinoVeritas Asia Limited Francesco Marchio.

The Wine Without Walls Section of the Selection dedicates to sustainable, organic and biodynamic wines, therefore there will be a separate panel of experts for stems from the realization that this category is becoming increasingly important, and it is a field that is slowly but steadily gaining recognition.

The judging panels were hand-picked from all over the world, with each one chosen for their unique experience. They are the pinnacle of the international wine industry, capable of providing a wider, more in-depth assessment during blind tastings while remaining impartial throughout.


Registering for 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls means having the possibility to have wines published in the 5StarWines Guide – the Book, a marketing tool internationally promoted in digital and paper format and distributed to more than 11,000 wine professionals worldwide. Moreover, the wines published on the Guide will receive a paper and digital Diploma with the score obtained, as well as being described in a tasting note written by the judges themselves. This is then listed under the “Critics” section on wine-searcher.com, the number one search engine dedicated to wine in the world, and on the Vinitaly Directory and Vinitaly app. The top performing wines, or Trophies, will have access to dedicated masterclasses, podcast interviews with the collaboration of Italian Wine Podcast and tastings reserved for buyers and press. For more information on 5StarWines & Wine Without Walls, visit https://www.5starwines.it/


The judging panels were hand-picked from all over the world, with each one chosen for their unique experience. They are the pinnacle of the international wine industry, capable of providing a wider, more in-depth assessment during blind tastings while remaining impartial throughout.

About: 5StarWines – the Book is the annual wine selection organized by Veronafiere, held in the lead-up to the biggest Italian wine fair in the world. The event is now in its fifth edition. 5StarWines – the Book is a blind tasting aimed at shedding light on wineries investing in the improvement of their products. During the event, a highly qualified panel of wine professionals will taste and score—using a 100-point scale—participating wines. In this edition, over 2000 bottles took part in the competition and 847 were selected for inclusion in 5StarWines – the Book. The Guide is a useful tool both on the promotional and commercial side. It introduces international buyers and wine lovers to new wine products of great value. It guarantees wine quality and it maintains and certifies their value at an international level.